Winnerwell Fastfold PLUS Titanium Stove
Winnerwell Fastfold PLUS Titanium Stove makes life in a tent a very comfortable experience. The collapsible stove is made out of titanium. The PLUS version includes a nested pipe which offers superfast and easy assembly.
In addition to the fact that the oven provides an incredible comfortable temperature and atmosphere in the tent regardless of the outside temperature, the stove also acts as a natural area for cooking. Here you will have the opportunity to prepare food and boil water. Various cooking appliances becomes redundant – you will save space and weight in your pack. You’ll also have the opportunity to dry your wet and damp clothes, regardless of the weather outside. In addition, the wood-stove will also keep condensation and moisture at bay.
Imagine. It is cold outside. It is wet, cold and unpleasant. You’re wet, the clothes are wet – but the stove makes the tent a dry, warm and cozy place to stay.
The Winnerwell Fastfold Titanium Stove can also be used as a firebox. If you want to make a fire in protected area – just use the stove without the top plate.
The sleeve for the Winnerwell Fastfold Titanium Stove can accommodate both stove and pipe.
The stove can be used for any tent that has an installed, dedicated stove jack. It can also be used in other kind of tents using the Winnerwell Tent Protector.
Pipe is included in the PLUS version!
Good to know
When you use the stove you have to make sure that there are no items such as backpacks or sleeping bags close by (or dry materials under the stove), and you also have to make sure that fresh air can enter the tent somehow. Your tent needs a special stove jack. Make sure your opening is safe for stove pipes (all of our Seek Outside tents got a stove jack installed).
We recommend the user to protect the ground underneath the stove. This can be done by using placing tinfoil under the stove – or by using the Winnerwell fireproof mat.
It is important to clean the stove, spark arrestor and pipe thoroughly from soot and ashes between uses to eliminate creosote build up.
In very strong winds, we recommend NOT using this type of lightweight stove, as there is a risk that the chimney may fold and thus cause damage to the tent or in the worst case fire. If you have to use the stove in heavy winds, please secure the spark arrestor to the ground with the help of storm/tent rope/lines.
What’s included?
Stove, nested pipe, storage bag, spark arrestor/damper.
Medium size
Packed size: 410(L)mm×305(W)mm×95(H)mm
Assembled size (includes pipe): 490(L)mm×215(W)mm×3055(H)mm
Large size
Packed size: 425(L)mm×355(W)mm×110(H)mm
Assembled size (includes pipe): 540(L)mm×260(W)mm×3080(H)mm
Medium: 2500 grams
Large: 3300 grams
3 reviews for Winnerwell Fastfold PLUS Titanium Stove
Nu Har jag använt kaminen ca 100 nätter och den börjar bli härligt välanvänd. Allt fungerar fortfarande helt perfekt och jag är bortom nöjd. Denna komin har skänkt mig många oförglömliga nätter i ett gosigt och varmt tält hur ruggigt det än varit ute. Som någon annan skriver här är det en god idé att ha med en leatherman till hjälp när man tar isär kaminrören. Det enda som Winnerwell kunde ha jobbat lite mer med är ett bättre sätt att minimera antalet gnistor som landar på tältet. Där har jag löst det genom att meka ihop två durkslag i metall som jag fäst högst upp på skorstenen och jag tycker att det nu funkar riktigt bra. Detta är en fantastisk följeslagare i ditt uteliv. Du kommer inte att ångra dig om du köper.
Fantastiskt stabil kamin för sin vikt. Ångrar inte att det blev nestad skorsten trots extra viktpåslag… väldigt smidig skorsten
Riktigt Bra! Känns rejäl trots den låga vikten, lätt att montera trots kallt väder och användning av handskar. Den enda negativa är att skorstenen är lite svår att få isär när den varit nedpackad.